Dr Carmen Oakley

MBBS, MMed (Ophthal Sci), FRANZCO

Carmen is a comprehensive ophthalmologist with sub specialty training in glaucoma and cataract. She has a special interest in glaucoma surgery, including minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) and minimally invasive bleb surgery (MIBS) such as the preserflo procedure. She aims to provide her patients with compassionate, patient centred, evidence based care.

Originally from Tasmania, Carmen completed her medical degree at the University of Tasmania. Following her basic medical training, Carmen began pursuing a career in ophthalmology. First she obtained experience as a research fellow at the Tasmanian Eye Institute, prior to embarking on a clinical career at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital in Victoria, and Moorfields Eye Hospital in London. Following this she commenced her formal ophthalmology training in South Australia. At completion of basic training, Carmen undertook a fellowship in glaucoma at Westmead Hospital in NSW.

The other side of Carmen:
Carmen is married with one child. She is passionate about health and fitness, and enjoys active past times such as running, playing tennis and walking on the beach with her husband, daughter and golden retriever, Schumi.

Fellowships and Memberships:

  • Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
  • Member of the Australian and New Zealand Glaucoma Society
  • Member of European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery

Contact Dr Carmen Oakley

If you are an optometrist, general practitioner or other medical practitioner and you would like Dr Carmen Oakley to visit you, to discuss how she and Eyemedics can help, please complete the form below to request an appointment.

DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM IF YOU ARE A PATIENT - Please Contact the clinic directly.

Consulting Locations

Eyemedics Wayville

Eyemedics Glenelg