Learn more about your macular disease diagnosis

The Macular Disease Foundation Australia has released an app to help patients learn more about their macular disease diagnosis.

By registering with the FREE MyInteract app, you will gain access to high quality, evidence-based factsheets, videos and information to help you live well with macular disease.

The resources produced by Macular Disease Foundation Australia are overseen and approved by some of Australia’s leading experts in ophthalmology and eye health. MDFA knows accessing the right information at the right time can support people to adjust to a macular disease diagnosis and support them to live well with this disease. 

By registering with the FREE MyInteract app, you will gain access to high quality, evidence-based factsheets, videos and information to help you live well with macular disease.

To learn more about accessing the app - download the My Interact brochure.

To register with MyInteract and access free Macular Disease Foundation Australia resources click here.