Dr Shilpa Kuruvilla


Specialist fields and passions

Shilpa is a comprehensive ophthalmologist with specialist skills in adult and paediatric ophthalmology, including cataract surgery (phacoemulsification and manual small incision cataract surgery), strabismus surgery and management of medical retinal conditions like diabetic eye disease and macular degeneration. She is passionate about providing caring, compassionate, evidence-based eye services to all her patients.

Training/Work experience

After obtaining her MBBS degree in India, Shilpa completed her specialist training in ophthalmology in 2012, in the renowned Christian Medical College, Vellore, India. She was a gold medalist in both MBBS and specialist Ophthalmology training. Subsequently she trained in both Australia and New Zealand.

She completed a one-year fellowship in Paediatric Ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus in the University of Auckland, training under 6 paediatric ophthalmologists, each with special areas of interests within Paediatric Ophthalmology.

After her subspecialisation, she worked in India as a specialist in adult and paediatric ophthalmology. In Australia, she has worked in all subspecialties within ophthalmology. Her extensive experience and training across 3 countries allows her to deliver high quality care for a wide range of eye disorders.

Shilpa enjoys teaching and is actively involved in training of medical and post-graduate ophthalmology trainees both in India and Australia. She has several publications in peer reviewed ophthalmology journals.

The other side to Shilpa

Shilpa is married and has 2 sons. She enjoys hiking, painting with oil and acrylic, and loves cooking traditional South Indian food for her family and friends. She is fluent in some languages of the Indian sub-continent, including Hindi, Malayalam and Tamil.

Memberships and fellowships

Shilpa is a member of:

  • Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
  • Member of the Paediatric Special Interest Group (Australia and New Zealand)
  • Member of the World Society of Paediatric Ophthalmologists and Strabismologists

Contact Dr Shilpa Kuruvilla

If you are an optometrist, general practitioner or other medical practitioner and you would like Dr Shilpa Kuruvilla to visit you, to discuss how she and Eyemedics can help, please complete the form below to request an appointment.

DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM IF YOU ARE A PATIENT - Please Contact the clinic directly.

Consulting Locations

Eyemedics Morphett Vale

Eyemedics Wayville